Laurie Davies
Too Extreme, Too MAGA
Backs an extreme abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest.
Extreme MAGA. Rallied with a convicted January 6th insurrectionist.
Missed 907 votes in the State Assembly while taking gifts from lobbyists.

Extremely Anti-Choice
Davies backs an extreme national abortion ban, with no exceptions for rape or incest. She voted with Sacramento Republicans against protecting abortion rights in California.
Davies opposed the state constitutional amendment to codify the right to have an abortion.
Davies even voted to allow women to be prosecuted for having an abortion or miscarriage.

Extremely MAGA
MAGA Republican Laurie Davies continues to stand with Donald Trump.

Davies literally stood with Alan Hostetter, a convicted January 6th terrorist, at a rally for Donald Trump in San Clemente.
Davies even gave herself a “9” when asked to rate herself on a scale from 1-10, 10 being the most conservative.
Extremely Absent
Missed 907 Votes
Laurie Davies missed a whopping 907 votes in the State Assembly. Missed votes include a grand total of $167 million for her district, including $5,000,000 for homelessness programs in Vista, $20 million for a science and math building at Saddleback Community college, and $1 million for the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.
Davies hasn’t done anything for her district, passing only two bills in 2023, making her one of the least effective members in the entire legislature.
She has plenty of time for media interviews and lobbyist-funded trips, but no time to actually do her job.

Extremely Self-Serving
Laurie Davies took 30k in gifts from Sacramento lobbyists and special interests, including a trip to the spa.
Davies’ campaign is being funded by the same special interests she takes gifts from: insurance companies, energy utilities, and car dealerships.
That’s why California transparency organizations give Davies failing grades, including an “F” from Courage California.
Davies won’t even stand up for animals, which is why PawPAC gave her an “F” rating.